The SERVD Chore Chart is revolutionising household chores and getting kids to ACTUALLY DO THEM!

Introducing the newest member of the SERVD gang, The SERVD Chore Chart! 

This chore chart has been designed specifically to flip traditional chores on their head, gamifying the whole experience to relieve parents of the tedious task of delegating household chores to their pocket money obsessed kids. 

When designing The SERVD Chore Chart we wanted to inject fun and humour into asking your kid to help out with the dishes or clean up the dog poop in the backyard, and equally give kids a secret weapon that they can use to one up their parents. 

So let us give you a quick rundown of what makes The SERVD Chore Chart so spesh.

1. It gamifies chores with an epic rewards system. 

Chores are split up into Daily Tasks, Weekly Chores, Bonus Chores and Wildcards of which parents assign. And then most importantly, the Rewards. We aren’t talking about your average rewards here, or the standard “you earn your age” in pocket money. These rewards are EPIC, and can be anything from getting the TV in their bedroom for the whole weekend, an extra hour added to their curfew or bedtime, making their parents do their homework or even getting a sick day off school (if they work really hard, 20,000 credit points).

What makes it even more exciting is that kids get to pick them. 

BUT the rewards are only attainable if kids commit to completing ongoing chores and build up the savings in their credit bank to accumulate a balance! They can then cash in this balance for their desired reward at any time!

2. The ‘Wildcards’.

Now here’s the cool part, whilst The SERVD Chore Chart has a variety of both low and top tier chores and daily tasks it also comes with ‘Wildcards’. These are like the secret sauce, if you will, and were designed to encourage kids to try new things and step out of their comfort zones. The Wildcards can be anything from learning a new instrument and performing in front of an audience, volunteering at a charity event to planting and maintaining their own veggie garden. 

Unlike the daily tasks and chores these are longer term goals, that offer a higher reward if successfully completed. And rightly so! Making The SERVD Chore Chart even more exciting!

3. The chore chart is completely customisable with over 150 pre-made labels for chores and rewards. 

Obviously we’ve helped you out and created some incredible Chores, Wildcards and Rewards to begin with, but if there’s something we’ve missed we've included a heap of blank tiles for you to write your own. Making The SERVD Chore Chart entirely customisable to suit you and your family.

So to summarise, a jaw on the floor chore chart that might be the only thing on planet earth that'll not only get your 9 year old begging to do the laundry but also have your friends asking when you got a maid. 

Totally customizable, totally yellow and created specifically to entice your youngsters to DO THEIR CHORES, without you having to be the bad guy. 

See what other families are saying!

“My kids love counting their balance and figuring out what rewards they can cash in, motivating them to do even more chores. This chore chart has literally saved my sanity ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️”.  Brie.

“It's like finding the Holy Grail, only instead of bringing eternal youth, it brings a clean kitchen. Close enough, right?" Jemma.

“I’m still in shock after my son asked me if he could do the laundry.”  Ben

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