Get your better half the gift that keeps on giving...back to you. If you play your cards right.

Imagine if there was a card game where you could play a card and suddenly the world around you changed. A game, that if played well, gave you the ability to call the shots and pull rank.

Well, it's here people, and it’s called SERVD

SERVD turns everyday scenarios into ruthless/hilarious actions in a card game. Ultimately injecting some fun, cheekiness, and strategy into all types of situations!

The cards vary in intensity (and risk), and the game itself has a super simple mechanic… All you do is:

  • Agree to a timeframe (a week, a month, a year)
  • Split the cards up.
  • Start playing. 

The decks come in 5 iterations: 
His & Hers, Hers & Hers, His & His, BFF’s and Bro's

Here are our top 7 cards that you will be so excited to play, you’ll set up camp next to the letterbox in anticipation.

The Last Beer Card
Does Bae like to Party? 
Hmmmmm. Betya thought they’d grow out of it. Instead, they just go harder and longer, kinda like the Hulk and as their mental capacity deteriorates their tolerance to alcohol just gets stronger and stronger. Well, look no further than The Last Beer Card. Not only giving you the ability to pull rank and call it a night but also ensure they’re feeling fresh for their Zumba class in the morning. Which leads me to our next card. 

The Hobby Hater Card
Couples who Zumba together stay together. It’s basically science and this card ensures they’ll not only give your most favourite thing in the world a red hot crack, but also act like they’re loving it! 

The Stubble Trouble Card
Shoutout to the ladies & gents with messy bae's, this one's for you!
So picture this. It’s Saturday morning and you’ve just cleaned the whole house (or micro-unit if you live in Sydney, New York or Hong Kong) and everything is sparkling. Nek minute boyfie goes and clips his beard in your freshly cleaned bathroom, contaminating the entire area. End the pain with this bad boy and make him accountable. The bathroom doesn’t clean itself… it’s not a cat. 

The T-Minus 10 Card
The ultimate card if you’re dating a dilly dallier. Can I get an amen if you’re sick of waiting around for bae to decide what to wear when you both know they’re going to choose the original option that they tried on first! AMEN!

Cute at first, now it’s just annoying. Time cap that shit with this card.

Your time starts now… Go

The Boys Night Card
Cue girlfriends secretly installing Find My Friends on their boyfriend’s phones. This one’s FTB. Yeah, the boys! Attend Jono’s bucks with no repercussions, your grand final attending and tell Dave you’ll be there, all thanks to this card. Just know, she has an army of spies watching your every move. Have fun but not too much fun…

The Food Envy Card
Perfect for when you’re at a Thai joint but there’s a carbonara on their menu that’s screaming your name. You take a chance, feeling festive and it comes out looking like cat vom. You should have known better but we all make mistakes. Go on, get your Pad Thai with this card and leave your partner committing carboxide on their Asian infused carbonara. Nom nom nom.

The Grumpy Pants Card
What're your least favourite pants your boyfie wears?

His cranky pants! LOL.

So next time he’s donning them, get him to take em off - stat. Ideally played when he has a temper tantrum in public. A guaranteed mood-lifter for almost everyone involved!

It’s a must-have for anyone looking for a good laugh, between their lover or best friend. Ultimately shaking things up, keeping things spicey and flipping typically BLAH situations on their head. 



A quick disclaimer to our whole community. Whilst this particular post primarily targets hetero relationships, please note we love and acknowledge all types of relationships and have decks to suit all. 


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